Services for Families (Referred by MCFD)
The following services are available to those families who have been referred to Deltassist by the British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD).
Healthy Families Program
The Healthy Families Program provides quick response for assessment, support, education and in-home or in-community treatment for families with children under the age of 19.
This program assists the family by:
- Assist families to gain skills and coping strategies.
- Assist families to find resources and teach families how to utilize the services to meet their needs to care for their children
- Help to establish a healthy, positive and consistent relationship between families and their child(ren).
Outreach Family Counselling
The Outreach Family Services Program (OFS) provides free and confidential in-home support to parents and caregivers through education, counselling, skills training and development, resources and referrals. The objective of the OFS program is to provide direct support to families by empowering parents and caregivers in helping their children and strengthening the family unit.
Family Development
The Family Development Response Program (FDR) is a three-month program that supports parents/caregivers in helping their children and increasing the safety within the home. The goal of this program is to intervene and assist the family before a child protection investigation is required. The FDR program provides support by way of counselling and education on topics such as life training, parenting skills, stress management, child development, family communication, interpersonal skills, family functioning/household management. The program also provides resources, and referrals when needed.
Supervised Visitation
Deltassist provides supervision that will ensure the safety and well-being of children during visits with family members.
Groups for Children:
Safe Group for Kids
The Safe Group for Kids is a seven-week group for children (ages 7-12) who have witnessed abuse. The group is designed to assist children develop self-esteem, an awareness of safety issues, and an understanding of their own emotions. The goals of the Safe Group for Kids include learning to express feelings, improving communication, increasing self-esteem, and developing social support networks and safety plans, while experiencing safety and trust during group sessions.
Referral Source: Referrals may come from MCFD, a Deltassist counsellor who is working with the child or child’s family, or a parent/guardian who feels that their child will benefit.
Children of Greatness
Children of Greatness is a group for children (ages 7 to 12) who are experiencing anxiety or depression.
Referral Source: Referrals must come from MCFD.
Dates and time: The is a seven week group. There is no official start date – the group commences based on the number of referrals received.
Superflex is a group for children (ages 7-12) with symptoms and/or diagnoses to suggest executive functioning challenges (e.g., ADHD, high functioning Autism, Attachment Disorders etc.), as well as children who are rigid in their thinking patterns and struggle with adapting to changes and conforming to social norms. Children must be able to function well in a group setting and not pose a high risk to others (e.g., extreme aggression)
Referral Source: Referrals must come from MCFD
Dates and time: This 8 week group. There is no official start date – the group commences based on the number of referrals received.
Parents must be able and willing to commit to bringing their child to each group session and attend all 4 parent sessions.