Deltassist offers a number of programs designed to support the community.
Community Fund: Emergency Food & Bus tickets
The Community Fund provides Delta residents with emergency food and some types of transportation when it is not available elsewhere.
Food Security in Delta
Building capacity for a sustainable healthy community through locally grown and local gleaning for all Deltans.
Deltassist’s Community Garden
In the back parking lot of Delassist’s North Delta office is our very own Community Garden. Volunteers raise produce spring thru fall that is free for those in need.
Early Childhood Development
This program provides the free 6 week Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program as well as services to parents, families and child care providers with children from 0 – 6 years.
Child care is provided for parents while the sessions cover children’s health, safety, development, and behaviour. Each session supports and encourages confidence in positive parenting.
The Ladner Early Childhood Development HUB is a Ministry of Children & Family Development initiative partnering Deltassist Family & Community Services, Boys and Girls Club Community Services and Child Care Options.
Delta Opposes Violence Everywhere (DOVE)
Preventing relationship violence through education, public awareness and coordinating efforts to reduce gaps in services that may exist.
Toy Depot And Christmas Hampers
Food is collected and then distributed in Christmas Hampers for low-income Delta residents. We also operate a Toy Depot where parents can choose Christmas gifts for their children.
Income Tax Assistance
If you require help with completion of your Income Tax return and you are a low income Delta resident, we have CRA trained volunteers ready to help.
Starfish Backpack Program
The program is simple. Participating schools identify students who would benefit from a Starfish backpack. Every Friday after school, students who are part of the Program pick up a backpack full of food for children and their families for the weekend and take it home. Monday morning the students return empty backpacks for refilling for the following Friday.
Pro Bono Law Clinic
Deltassist hosts monthly Pro Bono Law Clinics at both our North Delta and Ladner offices. These free 30 minutes private sessions are supported by Access Pro Bono Society of British Columbia and must be booked through the Justice Institute of B.C.