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About Deltassist & Accreditation

Deltassist Family and Community Services Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the well being of the people of Delta. We offer counselling and community-building in the form of workshops, events, senior support, outreach programs, and information services. We offer support to all areas of Delta and have offices in North Delta and Ladner. We have been caring for Delta since 1972.

Our Goals

  • Community Well Being
  • Healthy Families & Lifestyles
  • Relationships Free from Coercion and/or Violence

We Believe

  • All individuals have the capacity to make changes.
  • Volunteers and professionals are essential to providing services.

Our Promise

  • A safe supportive friendly environment
  • The highest standards of ethics and integrity.

Our Mission Statement

“To respond to the community needs of Delta in a manner which enhances the social, psychological and physical well being of individuals, families and the community through the provision of professional and volunteer services in Delta and the surrounding communities”.

BC Resiliency and Deltassist

Deltassist has actively participated in anti-racism work for 3 decades. In 2018, through funding by the Ministry of Arts, Tourism and Culture, Deltassist helped to form the Delta Organizing Against Racism and Hatred Committee, one of 32 provincial committees with the focus of addressing racism and hate in a local manner and educating the community of Delta about racism and how the public can respond. The committee consists of local residents, non-profit agencies, local government, schools, and police, as well as individuals committed to the education of the public about racism in our community and the promotion of inclusion and diversity.

In 2020 , the Delta Organizing Against Racism and Hate Committee became the Delta spoke of the Resilience BC Network and has continued to provide education, training, and develop resources for the community to respond to racism through funding by the Ministry of Tourism, Art, and Culture. The committee also responds in local media to incidents of racism and hate to ensure that the public is aware of the incidents, but also to let the public know the committee exists and can help to support victims of racism.

The committee is also actively involved in addressing racism in social media and in the news.  Through funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage, the committee will be providing training on Active Witnessing and also training for local social media administrators to effectively address racist/hate posts.

Deltassist is Accredited

Deltassist was first accredited in 2006 and we have maintained our accredited status til present. We have been accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA), an international body specializing in developing and promoting standards of excellence in organizations that provide child and family services, and community health and social services. This achievement marked an important milestone in the growth of Deltassist as a community resource which is dedicated to supporting and promoting the development of healthy individuals and healthy families in a healthy community.

COA_Logo_Altered_biggerAll who are associated with Deltassist are very proud of this accomplishment. It means that we have been recognized for setting high standards for ourselves and for the services we provide, and that we are an organization that strives to do quality work today and embraces an attitude of quality improvement to do even better tomorrow.

Having achieved accreditation by COA is not an end, but merely a beginning. Going forward, we at Deltassist have set ourselves on a path to strive for, and achieve, new levels of excellence in all that we do. It is that commitment which our community partners – clients, funders, donors, other service organizations – expect of Deltassist and it is also what we at Deltassist expect of ourselves. Information about COA can be accessed on their website.

Meet Deltassist’s Executive Director – Julie Chadwick, M.Sc., R.C.C.

Ms. Chadwick has been with Deltassist since 1992.  April 1, 2016 Julie became Deltassist’s Executive Director.  Julie’s many years working at Deltassist have made her knowledgeable on all areas of service, this also brings established positive connections with community partners, such as the City of Delta, UWLM, MCFD, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Fraser Health, Delta Food Coalition, all members of the Delta Child and Youth Committee, Seniors Planning Table, and all of our established funders, grant providers, donors, and volunteer groups.

Message from the Executive Director

I am very proud to represent Deltassist in my role as Executive Director. As the largest multi-service non-profit agency in Delta, I envision Deltassist’s role to grow with our community’s needs.  I also see a larger role for Deltassist to advocate for programs that assist and promote a healthy community.  It is a privilege to work alongside everyone associated with Deltassist, including the Board, volunteers and staff.  I can say with the utmost certainty that every person does so with kindness, compassion and respect for those we serve.

Our Programs and Services Brochures

Follow this link to our most up-to-date programs and services brochures. Feel free to print copies for yourself.


‘Deltassist provides services and care to everyone, regardless of people’s age, ability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or belief or sexual orientation.’


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