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Substance Use Blog Series Part 6: Peer Support and Self-Help

June 8, 2020


Welcome to the Deltassist Substance Use Services (SUS) blog series. This weekly series has been created during the Covid-19 pandemic to help increase awareness around drug and alcohol use and mental health. These initial posts contain information for people with questions about resources to help quit or reduce their substance use.

Today’s post is on Peer Support and Self-Help. The list of topics covered in other posts is at the bottom of the page.

Peer support programs like 12 Step or Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART Recovery)

Local meetings for peer support programs can be found by visiting the websites of the meeting you would like to attend. Many of these programs are running online groups during the pandemic. The BC Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service can also help you find local meetings to attend, their number is 1-800-663-1441 (or 604-660-9382)

Here are some examples of peer support groups for substance users, with contact information:

Alcoholics Anonymous
Phone 24 hours: (604) 434-3933

Narcotics Anonymous
Phone: (604) 873-1018

Cocaine Anonymous
Phone: (604)667-8500

Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) Meetings Online

In the Rooms

Recovery Dharma

HAMS—Harm Reduction for Alcohol


Online self-help tools for managing substance use and stress

The Wellness Together Canada website includes assessments, videos and courses on mental health topics, as well as support accessing various forms of online counselling (although these counsellors are not local to the Fraser Health Region). Users of the website are required to create a username and password so that when you visit the site you can log-in to a portal and keep track of what content you have already viewed, as well as your own progress towards your mental health goals. Particular substance use services are found in a section called TAO (Therapy Assistance Online) which requires a second username and password be created, as it is a portal within a portal.

An online (or printable) substance use self-help workbook has been created by Here to Help BC, and is available at:

A printable self-help workbook (geared towards young people but useful for anyone) has been created by a UK service and is available at:


~If you need immediate support coping with a crisis while waiting for help, please call the Fraser Health Crisis Line at 604-951-8855 or toll-free 1-877-820-7444. They are open 24/7. ~


Click the links for information about each of these kinds of services:

  1. Withdrawal Management (known sometimes as Detox)
  2. Medical treatment for Opioid Use disorder (Opioid Agonist Treatment)
  3. Substance Use Counselling
  4. Treatment Programs
  5. Peer Support/Online Self-Help


Update Sep 18, 2020: There are now also posts specifically on youth resources and resources for family and friends of people who use substances. Click on the highlighted words to go to those posts.

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