Substance Use Blog Series: Alcohol and COVID-19
Today’s post is about increase in alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic. This post will share data that is available so far, factors that have been contributing to increased urges to drink, and some tips for how to manage these increased urges. We are all coping with unprecedented stress in one way or another, but
Substance Use Blog Series: Communication with Loved ones Experiencing Substance Use Challenges
Today’s Substance Use Blog post is about communicating with loved ones who are struggling with their substance use. So many factors can come into play when communicating with a loved one about this, such as their point of recovery, your existing relationship, and both of your communication styles and temperaments, to name a few. Depending
Substance Use Blog Series: Self-Care for Loved Ones
Today’s post is about self-care for loved ones of individuals who struggle with substance use challenges. This can refer to caregivers, partners, family members, or anybody who is close to the person struggling. There’s a lot of information available about self-care and it is an important topic for everybody, but the topic warrants unique consideration
Substance Use Blog Series: Strengthening Identity Separate from Substance Use
When discussing managing substance use challenges, a huge focus is put on regulating symptoms, cravings and behaviours in ways that line up with recovery goals. This is all a vital part of recovery, and when cravings and/or triggers feel overwhelming it can be difficult to focus on much else. Self-regulation skills are incredibly important especially
Substance Use Blog Series: Grounding Strategies for Coping with Cravings
Welcome back to the Deltassist Substance Use Services (SUS) blog series. Until the end of March we will be exploring a variety of topics that will build off information and tools offered in posts written in 2020. The aim is for all posts to include a balance of information and actionable strategies for coping with
Substance Use Services Group
Welcome to the Deltassist Substance Use Services group page! This is a 6-week educational program for people who are using substances and for adults who are affected by the substance use of a loved one. The group is run in-person at Deltassist as well as on-line. Call the Substance Use Services intake line at 604-594-3455
Substance Use Blog Series: Stress and Substance Use
Sept. 16, 2020 This week’s Substance Use Service Blog post will be the last of our regular posts. We hope you have found them informative and useful. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the posts, please call the Deltassist Substance Use Services line at 604-594-3455 ext. 108 In today’s
Substance Use Blog Series: Stages of Change and Returns to Use
Sept. 8, 2020 Today’s Substance Use post is going to introduce a way of thinking about change called the Transtheoretical Model, or simply, The Stages of Change. Created by substance use researchers James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente in the 1970s, it has been applied to how people make all sorts of changes in
Substance Use Series: Layers of Stigma, Racism and Gender Stereotypes
Sept. 2, 2020 Throughout the summer we have discussed stigma in a number of our Substance Use Services blog posts. We examined some of the underlying myths that fuel stigma against people who use drugs, explored three forms of stigma (social, structural, and self-stigma), and we offered a few suggestions for how individuals can
Substance Use Blog Series: Family Resources
Aug 21, 2020 In previous Substance Use Services’ posts, we looked at resources for Delta adults and youth who use substances (click on the links to visit to those pages). Today’s post is for family members and close friends who are concerned about someone else’s substance use. Whether we are in adulthood or childhood (or