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In North Delta call (604) 594-3455

In Ladner & Tsawwassen call (604) 946-9526

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CNOY 2025

Auxiliary Administrative Assistant


Anger Management Group

Anger Management Group

October 3, 2024 to December 19, 2024

Deltassist is pleased to offer a Anger Management Group in English for anyone who is 19 yrs an older and are self-referred. This group will teach participants the skills of effective communication, problem-solving, listening, conflict resolution, impulse control, stress management and coping strategies in relationships that may or may not contain abuse. These groups are for people who have not been charged with or, are not currently facing charges related to domestic violence.

  • Group will be 12 weeks long, 2 hours per session
  • Thursday evenings 5:00-7:00 pm
  • A pre-screening interview before participating in the group is required
  • Group will be held in person at the North Delta office
  • Registration: Please call Tejinder at 604-594-3455 (ext. #110)
  • Cost: Free of Charge!! Snacks provided!



Crossroads United Church offers free produce the 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month.

Crossroads United Church has free produce to give away on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.

Opens at 2pm.  Line-up early and bring your own bags.

Where: Crossroads United Church 7655-120 Street in Delta, on the patio.

Client Rights and Responsibilities

As a Deltassist client, you have the right to:  

  • To be treated with respect and dignity.
  • To receive their counsellor’s most diligent efforts to deliver the highest quality care that they are able to provide.
  • To ask questions and to be informed about benefits, risks, and alternatives around their own treatment.
  • To have their counsellor available for all appointments.
  • To receive adequate notice regarding the cancellation of any appointments.
  • To have all personal information kept confidential; except when permission is given for its release, or when release of information is required under the limits of confidentiality.
  • To disagree with their counsellor, to request a different counsellor, or to leave treatment.

As our client, you have the responsibility to:

  • To treat others with dignity and respect and to refrain from employing abuse of any type or the threat of any type of abuse during counselling.
  • To make their best effort to work toward their treatment goals.
  • To make their counsellor aware of all information that might be relevant to their treatment.
  • To arrive on time (for all scheduled appointments), and not be under the influence of substances.
  • To notify their counsellor in advance if there is a need to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
  • To inform their counsellor of any concerns they may have about confidentiality, and to keep confidential all information discussed in group sessions.
  • To discuss with their counsellor, prior to making a final decision, any desire to change counsellors or to leave treatment.

As our client, you are entitled to:

1. full knowledge of any limitations and/or risks involved in any planned course of service before giving their informed consent

2. participate fully in decisions about, and evaluation of, the service they receive

3. ask questions about the service they receive and/or view any information kept about them at any time during the time of service, or thereafter

4. receive service in an environment that is nurturing, and free from threats of physical, emotional, and psychological harm

5. know how to access the supervisor of any/all program(s) from which they receive services

6. communicate to the supervisor any concerns that they may have about the service they are receiving; and, to have those concerns addressed in writing by the supervisor of the program

7. know the hours of operation of services via signage, voice mail messages

8. know the rules, behavioural expectations and other factors that could result in discharge


1. Clients who have a complaint regarding the services they receive or any of the Society’s employees should inform their service provider of their concerns.

2. If a client is not comfortable raising the complaint with their service provider, or if the service provider’s response to the complaint is not satisfactory, the Manager of Counselling Services may be contacted and the supervisor will be available to discuss the issue with the client within five working days.

3. If a client requires the Manager of Counselling Services name the receptionist or other staff will provide it upon request.

4. In the event that a client indicates in writing that they are not satisfied by the Manager of Counselling Services to the complaint, the Manager of Counselling Services will offer to arrange an opportunity for the client to speak with the Executive Director within ten working days; and will provide the client with the Executive Director’s name. If the client has difficulty putting the complaint in writing, assistance will be provided. The Executive Director will be provided all the information regarding the complaint and how it has been dealt with to date. The Executive Director will then contact the client within ten working days to attempt to resolve the issue.

5. The client/consumer shall be entitled to a written statement from the Society at any stage of this process.

Deltassist is a Multiple Award Winner in 2019 – Click to see awards

Deltassist was voted Best Non-Profit and Best Charity by the readers of the North Delta Report.

Deltassist was also voted best Non-Profit by the readers of the Delta Optimist. We couldn’t be prouder.



Congratulations! Ladner United Church, Delta Seniors Planning Team and Deltassist for winning Fraser Health’s “Above and Beyond” award.

The award was for their “Planning for the future: Medical, Legal & Financial” workshop collaboration.

This is an outstanding achievement, they will be receiving this award in the category of Best Collaboration.

This award is a particular honor since it is bestowed with careful consideration by our peers. It places us in an admirable group of Fraser Health employees, teams, physicians and volunteers who are being acknowledged for accomplishing impressive results in our complex, fast-paced health care environment.

Deltassist is putting in a Community Garden Our “Paradise in the Parking Lot”


Deltassist in partnership with Earthwise Gardens will be building raised garden beds in the parking lot of our North Delta office. We will be planting vegetables, herbs, berries and bee friendly flowers to share with the community. In addition to offering nutritious produce for free we will also be offering horticultural therapy and many volunteer opportunities to help in the gardens.

We plan to use the garden in our counselling programs as horticultural therapy for those needing a place to relax and reduce stress and anxiety. The garden with also provide a wonderful opportunity for the community to get involved in learning about gardening and composting in a safe supportive environment at the same time helping provide fresh produce to those in need.

If you or your group would be interested in volunteering this summer in preparing the Community Gardens please contact Lorraine at Deltassist at 604-594-3455 ext. 130 or email

Raised Bed Garden Plant Bed

Deltassist has passed accreditation with flying colors

Big News! Deltassist has just received notice that we have passed our most recent accreditation this February 2018, here is an excerpt from the notification we received:

On behalf of the Council on Accreditation (COA), I am delighted to inform you that Deltassist Family and Community Services Society has been re accredited.  In addition, Deltassist Family and Community Services Society was expedited through the Pre-Commission Review Report (PCR) process as a result of not receiving any out of compliance ratings in any of the fundamental practice standards.  Congratulations on this amazing achievement.”


CIBC Days of Caring at Deltassist

On July 6th, employees from CIBC CIBC 2016.06.Day of caringBusiness Controls including Karen Andres, Martin Eldridge, Gwen Harper, Ruth Inglis, Yvonne Kerman, Linda Mann, Reena Matharu, Jason Schnell, Nilesh Shah and Katherine Slipec along with UW Loaned rep alumni Ashley Ho, from Retail Distribution sorted over 300 boxes of toys into child age and gender categories for children in need. 

On this day of caring, our team got a chance to help organize toys that will help children have a better Christmas.  Every year Deltassist provides toys to low income families with children that are 16 years old and younger.  A Toy Depot is set up that allows families to select new toys for their children and make Christmas a wonderful event.

Our team members all agreed that this was an extremely meaningful experience for them, and that it was both rewarding and eye-opening.  We have been invited back to assist with the Christmas Program later this year.

Thank you very much to all of our volunteers and the UW Rep, Alison Gray, who took the time from their busy schedules to make this volunteering event happen! 

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