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Youth Substance Use Resources Available to Delta Residents

Youth Substance Use Resources Available to Delta Residents


The following are substance use resources for youth available to residents of Delta.


  1. Deltassist Family and Community Services provides counselling to youth who have substance use concerns, and to those who have a family member who uses substances. Phone (604)594-3455, ext. 108 (Substance Use Services Intake Line).


  1. Astra (Pacific Community Resource Services. Phone: (604)836-6273. This service provides counselling to youth ages 13 to 19 who wish to change their relationship with substances. The website address is:


  1. Creekside Withdrawal Management for Youth provides short-stay medically supported care for youth under the age of nineteen who are experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Phone (604)587-3755. The website is:



  1. The D.E.W.Y. program provides intensive day treatment for youth ages thirteen to nineteen. It can be contacted at (604)951-4821, or by email at to find out more about the program. Referrals are made by Substance Use Counsellors, such as those at Deltassist, or by Child and Youth Mental Health Clinicians.


  1. Residential treatment programs can be accessed via a referral done by a Substance Use Counsellor, such as those at Deltassist, or through Child and Youth Mental Health Clinicians. Some of these treatment programs are Traverse,, and Peak House,


    6. Youth Concurrent Disorders Program. Phone: (778)240-3624, or email                 This program provides services, information and          support to youth up to 24 years of age who are experiencing a combination of              emotional and/or psychiatric problems in addition to problematic substance use

Harm Reduction Resources Available to Delta Residents

Harm Reduction Resources Available to Delta Residents


Harm reduction is a public health approach which seeks to minimize the social and health risks of substance use. This can include, but is not limited to, needle exchange, safe injection sites, and overdose prevention. The following resources are available to Delta residents:


1.Fraser Health’s Harm Reduction Marketplace. Harm reduction supplies can be ordered free from this website and shipped to your home. The website address is


  1. Delta Community Action Team (from their website) “was established in 2018 to identify and develop partnerships to address the toxic drug supply crisis at a local level. We currently are comprised of multiple community partners from Delta and our work is informed and led by Delta residents who are People with Lived and Living Experience (PWLLE) with substance use”. This community action team can be contacted via email:


  1. Lookout Mobile Harm Reduction Outreach Teamconsists of outreach workers who deliver harm reduction supplies to groups, individuals and organizations throughout Langley, Aldergrove, Delta and White Rock. The goal is to build rapport with individuals, foster community partnerships and provide education with people who would not normally attend our services”. For more information, please contact Surrey Health Solutions at (604) 588-9004.


  1. Deltassist Family and Community Services. (Take Home Naloxone). (604)594-3455.


  1. North Delta Public Health Unit, 11245 84 Avenue. Delta, BC. Phone: (604)507-5400, provides harm reduction supplies. This includes needle distribution. safer injection, inhalation and sex supplies, Take-Home Naloxone and fentanyl screening strip kits.


  1. South Delta Public Health Unit, #1826 – 4949 Canoe Pass Way. Delta, BC. Phone: (604)952-3550. (Take Home Naloxone).


  1. Local pharmacies (Take Home Naloxone).


  1. SafePoint Supervised Consumption a “health service where individuals can inject or consume

substances in a hygienic environment under the supervision of trained staff, and have opportunities to engage in other health and social services”. 13459 107A Avenue, Surrey, BC. (604)587-7898.


  1. SafePoint Drug Checking. Provides fentanyl test strips. Same address as above.


  1. Toward the Heart– BC Centre for Disease Control harm reduction services. Includes instruction on use of naloxone. The website address is:


  1. Fraser Health – Stay Safer Website. Resources for safer substance use and connections to substance use services. Website address is:


  1. Remote witnessing options for those who choose to use alone include strategies, apps, and texting services. These allow the person to check in online or via phone before and after, and for emergency services to be initiated for them if needed. The website address is:


  1. Fraser Health Overdose Outreach Team. This service assists those who “are more likely to experience a toxic drug poisoning and would like support in accessing services to help reduce their risk”. To contact them, provide them with your name, address and phone number in one of these ways: Email:; Fax: 604-930-5432; Phone: 236-332-4857 (text or leave a voicemail msg).

Substance Use Resources within the Fraser Health Region Available to Delta Residents

Substance Use Resources within the Fraser Health Region Available to Delta Residents


There are a variety of substance use resources in the Fraser Health region available to Delta residents in addition to the Substance Use Services Counselling Program at Deltassist. These include counselling, withdrawal management (“detox”), day treatment, opioid agonist therapy, residential programs, access to addictions doctors, and a resource for South Asian clients. You can find out more about each of these programs listed below through the links provided.


  1. The Substance Use Services counselling program at Deltassist Family and Community Services is open to Delta residents who have substance use concerns themselves, or who are family members of people who use substances. It is funded through the Fraser Health Authority. Participation is mainly through self-referral. Call the S.U.S. Intake Line at (604)594-3455, extension 108. Counselling is available in person at the North Delta and Ladner offices, and also virtually.


  1. The Little House is located in Tsawwassen at 5061 12th Avenue, phone number (778)522-5160. It hosts several mutual support groups for people with substance use concerns and for family members. It also provides counselling and workshops to individuals and families, including four sessions of free counselling.


  1. Creekside Withdrawal Management Centre “provides a safe, supportive environment for withdrawal management of alcohol and other drugs”. The phone number is: (604)587-3755. It is located at 13740 94A Avenue, Surrey, BC.


  1. Also located at Creekside is the D.E.W. Program (Day, Evening, Weekend) Substance Use Treatment Program. The D.E.W. program is available in person and online. It is “for adults (19 years and older) who are looking for an intensive day, evening or weekend substance use treatment program”. The phone number is (604)585-5610.


  1. Creekside also home to the Rapid Access to Addiction Care Clinic, also known as R.A.A.C., which provides “assessment and initial stabilization for any substance use concerns. Walk-ins are welcome”. It includes addiction medicine assessments. The phone number for this clinic is (604)587-3755.


  1. The Roshni Clinic is also located at Creekside. It is “a service that provides support for men and women (19 years and older) of the South Asian community with any substance use concerns. Services are provided in English, Punjabi and Hindi”. This resource can be reached at (604)953-6190.


  1. The Surrey O.A.T. Clinic, an out-patient based opioid agonist treatment program. It is located at #102-13670 94AAvenue, Surrey, BC, as part of the Quibble Creek Sobering and Assessment Centre. It gives “people who have an opioid use disorder a treatment using medications like

buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone), methadone, or Slow Release Oral Morphine (Kadian)”. Phone (604)580-4950.


  1. Nearby is the Substance Use Services Assessment Team (S.U.S.A.T.) which is located at the Surrey Mental Health and Substance Use Urgent Care Response Centre. The SUSAT teams were designed to “create centralized access points to substance use services” to provide engagement “for individuals impacted by substance use who are not connected anywhere” in the Mental Health and Substance Use “continuum of care”. Their mandate also allows them to “support clients through ‘transitions in care’”. They are located at the Charles Barham Pavilion on the Surrey Memorial Hospital Memorial grounds: 13750 96th Avenue. Phone (604)953-6201.


  1. Access to residential services which are associated with the Fraser Health Authority, i.e. treatment centres and recovery houses, are typically accessed through a referral made by a substance use counsellor (such as those at Deltassist). Referrals are sometimes also initiated for clients admitted to Creekside Withdrawal Management or local hospitals. Due to the opioid crisis, referrals to residential services approved by the Fraser Health Authority are now being streamed to one point of entry, i.e. the Residential Coordination Services section of Mental Health and Substance Use Services. Therefore, most referrals to Fraser Health approved facilities must be sent there initially.


  1. The Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral line is available to anyone in British Columbia. Phone numbers are 1-800-663-1441, and (604)660-9382 (Lower Mainland). “This service is available to people across B.C. needing help with any kind of substance abuse issues 24 hours a day. It provides information and referral to education, prevention and treatment services and regulatory agencies”.


Additional resources, particularly those relating to harm reduction and to youth, will be discussed in the next posts.

Mutual Support Programs for the Family Members of Substance Users

Mutual Support Programs for the Family Members of Substance Users


Mutual support groups are beneficial for people with substance use issues, and for their family members and loved ones. Today, we’ll review what groups are currently available for Delta residents who are coping with the substance use of someone else. As with Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, the most abundant and widespread mutual support programs for the family, are the twelve step programs Al-Anon and Nar-Anon, for the loved ones of people with alcohol issues, and of people with drug issues, respectively.


The local Al-Anon website,, states “Any person who is troubled by another person’s drinking can attend Al-Anon meetings. This is true whether the person is still drinking or not”. The website lists two meetings in Ladner, and several in the communities surrounding Delta. Online meetings are also listed. The website also includes information about Alateen, a mutual support group for the teen-aged children of people with alcohol problems. The phone number for Al-Anon is (604)688-1716.


Nar-Anon is a support group for the family members of people with drug issues. There are in person meetings in Tsawwassen and New Westminster, as well as some virtual options in the surrounding communities. The Nar-Anon websites are:, and The phone number is (604)878-8844.


Parents Forever is a local mutual support group, not affiliated with the twelve steps, for the parents of youth and adults with substance use concerns. The Vancouver-based group has been supporting families for twenty-three years, and currently has one online meeting. Anyone wanting more information about the group can contact Frances at


Not a support group as such, but a locally based resource, is the Coping Kit, originally available on the From Grief To Action website, is now available here. (The From Grief to Action website still has some links to useful information).


SMART Recovery also has Family and Friends meetings, which are described as “a dedicated space for those with loved ones who are struggling with addiction”. There are online meetings, and also some in person options, in Vancouver


Healing Hearts Canada is a “free bereavement support group for those grieving the loss of a loved one to overdose or substance-use related harms”. The website is: There is contact information listed there for inquiring about the availability of groups in Vancouver, Richmond, and other communities in BC. This group is associated with Moms Stop the Harm, which is a network of Canadian families impacted by substance-use-related harms and deaths (See


Families for Addiction Recovery is “a national charity founded by parents of children who have struggled with addiction from their teens”. Their “goal is long term recovery for those with addiction and their families”. The website offers free parent to parent support by phone and online meetings.


The Here to Help website states: “We’re here to help you find quality information, learn new skills, and connect with key resources in BC. Explore strategies to help you take care of your mental health and use substances in healthier ways, find the information you need to manage mental health and substance use problems, and learn how you can support a loved one”:


Mutual Support Groups for Substance Use

Mutual Support Groups for Substance Use

Mutual support groups are groups composed of individuals who meet on a regular basis to help one another cope with a shared life problem. These can be beneficial and supportive to those who are wanting to achieve and/or maintain abstinence from substances, or have harm reduction goals, and to the loved ones of people with substance use issues. Currently, people in recovery have a choice of a wealth of in person and online meetings. Today, we’ll address what is available for Delta residents who are addressing their own substance use. The benefits of participating in these groups can include gaining support from others, accessing a community of recovering people, adopting a structured approach to recovery, and being free of charge.


The most available and widespread programs for achieving and maintaining abstinence from substances are the twelve step programs Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Cocaine Anonymous is also available. Both in person and online groups can be accessed. These are spiritual programs, but not religious programs as such, so that people of all spiritual or non-spiritual backgrounds, including atheists and agnostics, can benefit from them. The definition of a “Higher Power” is left up to the individual, and can range from a traditional God concept to a simple faith that things can get better.


Alcoholics Anonymous is described on their website as “a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There are no age or education requirements to participate. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem. A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety”. There are in person meetings in North Delta, Ladner, and Tsawwassen, as well as surrounding communities. Currently, there are nine in person weekly meetings in North Delta. There are five in Ladner, however, two of these groups meet daily and up to three times per day! Tsawwassen also has five in person groups, mostly at the Little House (5061 12th Avenue), and one meets four days per week, and is also available via Zoom.

Websites listing meetings locally and internationally are:, and

 A.A. Central Office can be reached at (604)434-3933.


The Narcotics Anonymous website describes their program as follows: “The group atmosphere provides help from peers and offers an ongoing support network for addicts who wish to pursue and maintain a drug-free lifestyle”. N.A. websites of note are for local groups, and The Helpline is (604)873-1018. There are two in person N.A. meetings listed in Ladner, two in Tsawwassen, and one in North Delta.


According to the Cocaine Anonymous website, “Cocaine Anonymous (C.A.) is a 12-step

program variant that uses the principles created by Alcoholics Anonymous to help users overcome addiction to cocaine. Members are recovering addicts who come together to help support each other in maintaining sobriety”. The C.A. website listing local meetings is, while the international website is Note: there do not seem to be any in person meetings of C.A. in Delta, but there are some in the surrounding communities, including one New Westminster, and three in Surrey.


Another popular mutual support program is SMART Recovery. Its website is: The program is described as follows: “SMART Recovery is a fresh approach to addiction recovery. SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. This is more than an acronym: it is a transformative method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change”. There do not appear to be any in person SMART Recovery meetings in Delta currently, but meetings in the Lower Mainland (the closest being in Vancouver), and online meetings are listed on the website.


In addition, there is LifeRing. The website is: The website states: “LifeRing Secular Recovery is an abstinence-based, anonymous organization dedicated to providing a safe meeting space where you can experience non-judgmental recovery conversations with your peers”. There is a meeting in Surrey and one in Maple Ridge. Online meetings are also available.


There is a support group in Surrey for women called the 16 Steps. It is described as follows: “the 16 Steps to Discovery and Empowerment is an approach developed by Dr. Charlotte Kasl to overcome addictions in a holistic way. This model takes into account different facets of a person’s identity, and strives to address their mental, physical and spiritual well-bring. It provides individuals with an alternative way of looking at themselves and the society they live in. It encourages individuals to examine beliefs and behaviours from a place of self-love and acceptance”. It is held at the Maxxine Wright Centre on Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Attendees do not have to be clients of Maxxine Wright to participate. For more information, the phone number is: (604)584-7597. Click here for the website: 16 Steps to Discovery

and Empowerment.


Another resource for women is Women for Sobriety. From their website: “Founded in 1975, Women for Sobriety (WFS) is the first peer-support program tailored specifically for women overcoming substance use disorders (SUDs). With both regional and online meetings, the New Life Program provides supportive, empowering, secular, and life-affirming principles that address the unique needs and challenges of women in recovery”. Their website is


Both men and women can access Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS), which their website describes as: “a nonprofit network of autonomous, non-professional local groups, dedicated solely to helping individuals achieve and maintain sobriety/abstinence from alcohol and drug addiction, food addiction and more”. The SOS website is: and features online groups.


For Buddhists in recovery, and who wish a specifically Buddhist approach, there is Refuge Recovery. Its website explains, “Refuge Recovery is a practice, a process, a set of tools, a treatment, and a path to healing addiction and the suffering caused by addiction. The main inspiration and guiding philosophy for the Refuge Recovery program are the teachings of Siddhartha (Sid) Gautama, a man who lived in India twenty-five hundred years ago”. Their website is: There are in person meetings in Vancouver, and online meetings listed on the website.


Pagans can find support from a pagan perspective through Pagans in Recovery, which they describe as “a 12-step fellowship based on the example pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. Our wish is to assure people seeking recovery that they can recover without having to accept anyone else’s beliefs or to deny their own. We welcome those who worship or work with one or more Goddesses, Gods, Spirits, Energies, Powers, or Ancestors, and whose spirituality may include magical practices”. Their website is:, where virtual meetings can be found.


Harm Reduction Networks (HAMS) is described as “a peer-led and free-of-charge support and informational group for anyone who wants to change their drinking habits for the better. The acronym HAMS stands for Harm reduction, Abstinence, and Moderation Support. HAMS offers support via an online forum, a chat room, an email group, a facebook group, and live meetings. We also offer harm reduction information via the HAMS book, the articles on the web site, and the HAMS podcast. HAMS supports every positive change. Choose your own goal–safe drinking, reduced drinking, or quitting alcohol altogether”. Delta residents may access the online resources described above, and there does not appear to be a live meeting option nearby. The website is:


Other mutual support programs, especially online resources, and those aimed at specific groups, may be available, so this is likely to be a partial list. Next time, we’ll look at mutual support resources available to the family and friends of people who use substances.

Sexual Assault Response Program

Sexual Assault Response Program at Deltassist!

Open to all Delta residents, 16 years & over, all genders.

Please contact our Sexual Assault Response Program Coordinator, Sania Sultan, for more information.

Sania Sultan (604)594-3455 ext. 155


ND Food Bank at Northside Community Church

Northside serves as the North Delta Food Bank’s distribution centre, operating on alternating Tuesday mornings from 10 am–12 noon. In this partnership, the church provides a safe and warm facility, as well as many of the volunteers, and the Surrey Food Bank provides technical and logistical support to meet the needs of the clients being served.

To receive food, you’ll need to register.

Dates remaining for 2023:

May 16; June 13, 27; July 11,25; Aug 8,22; Sept 5, 19; Oct 3,17,31; Nov 14,28; Dec 12,27 ( please note that Dec 27 is a Wednesday due to Boxing Day falling on the Tuesday)

Deltassist celebrates 50 Years of caring for the Community

Delta Optimist June 28, 2022 online, in June 30, 2022 paper:

The Surrey Food Bank provides food distribution at Northside Community Church every other Tuesday

The Surrey Food Bank provides food distribution at Northside Community Church every other Tuesday between 10 AM and Noon

Where:  Northside Community Church  11300 84 Ave, Delta, BC V4C 2L8

Time:  10 am – 12 pm

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